Parish Recovery Assistance Centers (P-RACs): Guiding Holistic Disaster Recovery
Our Parish Recovery Assistance Centers (P-RACs) are strategically positioned within key parish community hubs following a disaster, delivering a comprehensive approach to recovery. It's important to note that the P-RACs complement, rather than replace, the efforts of FEMA, State agencies, and local Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOADs). Instead, they act as a valuable outreach to survivors who might find themselves socially, geographically, or culturally isolated throughout the recovery journey.
Immediate Case Work, Resources, and Connection to Vital Services
P-RACs are the frontline of immediate case work services and resources, offering a lifeline to survivors in their time of need. Our centers serve as conduits, linking survivors with essential community services and adhering to the Emotional and Spiritual Support standards set by the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). At the heart of our collaboration is a partnership with Texas A&M Extension Services (TEEX), through which we provide targeted "just in time" training to empower P-RACs with the knowledge they need to make a meaningful difference.
Experienced Vincentian Volunteers at Your Side
Deploying skilled Vincentian volunteers who have successfully guided P-RACs in past disaster scenarios, we work to support Councils within disaster-stricken areas. These volunteers bring their expertise to the table, ensuring that the recovery process is as smooth and effective as possible. All the intricate logistics and necessary forms are masterfully coordinated by the Disaster Services Corporation (DSC), streamlining the operations of the P-RACs.
Your Contribution Matters
We invite you to join us in making a difference by supporting our Parish Recovery Assistance Center (P-RAC) programs through your generous donations. Without your support, our ability to continue performing this essential work is limited. Your contribution empowers us to stand by survivors, providing them with the support they need to rebuild and recover. Donate here today!